Beyond the main stage:
class 1-b bang

A MHA Fandom Event where we show our love and appreciation to Class 1-B and their teacher, Vlad King

bang q&a

What exactly is a "bang"?
A bang is an event where writers, artists, and beta readers unite to create content for a particular ship, character, trope, or theme on a much smaller scale. Please don’t confuse it with a zine; those contain limited contributors chosen through an application process. In a bang, everyone is welcome no matter their skill level!
What are the requirements set for a bang?
We're looking at a 3k word minimum for writers. For artists, line art with colors and a simple gradient background as a minimum, but we'll know for certain once the interest check is over. As for our betas, we just require availability and kindness with critiques.
How many pieces are required?
Each contributor MUST complete one project in full, but may take on additional piece if they feel up to it. In the event one feels they will not be able to complete their work, please let our mods know asap and we will find a pinch hitter to take over for you.
Is joining a Discord server required?
Yes! In order to participate, you MUST have a Discord account. All communications (check-ins, announcements, and team channels, etc) will be through Discord. Additionally, we ask our writers to also have Ao3 accounts to upload their works once the posting period comes.
Since this is an 18+ event, does that mean I must make 🔞 content?
We encourage any Class 1B content in all forms! From fluff family dynamics to dead dove. We only ask that you tag appropriately and (for Discord) share in corresponding channels. We want to add more content dedicated to our class 1B characters as they deserve love! Any content is good as long as it focuses on a platonic, romantic, and/or physical relationship with a class 1B character.
Does my fic need to be completely new, or can it be a sequel?
It can be either as long as the bang fic is not already posted on a social media platform. The writer needs to create the content as the bang is progresses. But please, don’t share anything outside the server (exceptions can be made for betas, not in the event) until posting day. We want to surprise everyone with your wonderful work!
"Can we join with partners already picked out?"
Yes! If you already have a partner, you can work with them! They need to sign up individually too and there will be an inquiry that you need to fill out with your partner’s pen name and their Discord username.


You can find us on the following social platforms


I helped on the mod team for an Endeavor/Hawks (MHA) big bang a couple years back and I'm excited to host another BNHA bang! 🫶
Favorite Class 1B Characters: Ooo, I have to say Tetsutetsu first because GO TEAM FAT GUM. I also like Kuroiro since he tries to be all edgy, but it's obvious he's whipped for Komori (who, let's be honest, is way darker for trying to choke someone out with mushrooms). Plus Monoma gets too much hate and Fukidashi has such a fun design.Favorite Head Canon: Kamakiri can full-body molt, Tsunotori understands a lot more Japanese than she lets on, Tetsutetsu is scared of hospitals (namely, the MRI machines), and Monoma is trans. 💁♂️ Also, not so much a hc, BUT— I enjoy swapping Rappa's first name and surname, then showcasing him as Kendo's dad in AU ideas. 😂

It started with Tetsutetsu, heading the Tetsutetsu Bang, and now it's time to tackle the class! I'm Zuul, the harbinger of dad jokes, and bad puns. Regular, reverse, you name it, I've done it. Bangs, duh. What did you think I was talking about? 😏
Favorite Class 1B Characters: Tetsutetsu, Reiko, and Honenuki
Favorite Head Canon: For the longest time I thought Honenuki was Ectoplasm's son, and ya know what? That's it. That's the headcanon.

I’ve participated in a few events. I’m excited about this one and being able to show my love for Vlad King and all his ASSets. Mod for the upcoming event of TetsuKiriBaku.
Favorite Class 1B Characters: Tetsutetsu, Monoma, and Vlad King (them tiddies!)
Favorite Head Canon: Vlad King adopts Tetsutetsu. Monoma becomes Vlad King’s sugar baby after the blond graduates from UA…That same night 😈


Interest Check & Sign Ups